Fancy diving into summer flavours while you can? Experience the coolest taste adventure with our exclusive limited edition summer pack! Enjoy over 15 liters of subtle soda flavoured water in New Lemon Lime Soda, Tropical Sunset, and Cherry Kola – all purely through scent.
This pack contains:
Lemon Lime Soda – New!
Cherry Kola
Tropical Sunset – New!
Save 50% or more vs. other flavoured drinks
You can get our Flavour Pods from £0.33 per litre – that’s less than ½ the price of popular sugary fizzy drinks.* Enjoy the new way of drinking pure while experiencing flavour through scent. Zero sugar, zero calories – only natural aroma.
*Comparison based on pricing of Coca Cola Original, Asda, July '23

Use 88% less plastic than single-use bottles
Our Pods need up to 88% less plastic than a pre-filled and single-use drink alternative. One tiny Pod flavours over 5 litres of water, which could lead to a reduction of up to 0.5 kg plastic bottles per Pod. Even better, the Pods you use are made from recyclable materials.