When you want something sweet but sugar-free, it’s gotta be Blue Raspberry. This is a flavour that will have you dreaming back to childhood days of cartoons and candy. Three pods give you over 15 litres of scent-flavoured water. It's 100% pleasure without a single calorie.
Save 50% or more vs. other flavoured drinks
You can get our Flavour Pods from £0.33 per litre – that’s less than ½ the price of popular sugary fizzy drinks.* Enjoy the new way of drinking pure while experiencing flavour through scent. Zero sugar, zero calories – only natural aroma.
*Comparison based on pricing of Coca Cola Original, Asda, July '23

Use 88% less plastic than single-use bottles
Our Pods need up to 88% less plastic than a pre-filled and single-use drink alternative. One tiny Pod flavours over 5 litres of water, which could lead to a reduction of up to 0.5 kg plastic bottles per Pod. Even better, the Pods you use are made from recyclable materials.